This post will show you the process of creating stocks using Magento 2 API. In Magento, the stock is like a virtual inventory of products for sources of your sale channels (websites). A stock can map to multiple sales channels, but a sales channel can be assigned to only one stock.
Create the stock
While creating a new warehouse, this information will be needed:
- name
- type
- code
POST <host>/rest/default/V1/inventory/stocks
Authorization: Admin – Bearer token
"stock": {
"name": "US Stock",
"extension_attributes": {
"sales_channels": [
"type": "website",
"code": "base"
Code language: JSON / JSON with Comments (json)
Magento will return stock ID. Later we will use this ID to link the source to stock.
Verify the result
Log in to your admin account and check your new stocks. Goes to
Stores > Inventory > Stocks
They are displayed in the Stock grid.
I have shown you how to create stocks with Magento 2 API. Check how to create warehouses with Magento 2 here. If you have any questions, please leave a comment in the section below, or refer to Magento DevDocs.