Shopify API - How to retrieve a list of events using Postman

Shopify API 2025 – How to retrieve a list of events using Postman

Do you know what an event in Shopify API is?

It’s so difficult to understand, right? Let’s start from the very beginning. 

Events are generated by some Shopify resources when certain actions are completed, such as the creation of a blog, the fulfillment of an order, or the addition of a product. By requesting events, your app can know when certain actions have occurred in the shop.

The list below is events generated by the following resources:


      • Articles

      • Blogs

      • Custom collections

      • Comments

      • Orders

      • Pages

      • Price rules

      • Products

    With a new update, an event has 2 parts:


        • Verb: The nature of the occurrence. Various resources produce various types of occurrences. A list of suitable verbs can be found in the resources section.

        • Message: A human-readable description of the event. It can contain some HTML formatting.

      Example: In a product, there are 4 events:

      Verb Message
      create New product created: product_title
      destroy product_name was destroyed.
      published product_title was published.
      unpublished product_title was hidden.

      Now, do you understand? Do you wonder why we need to retrieve a list of events?

      Events are default, but sometimes you will forget what events are currently available in your Shopify store. Because of this reason, Beehexa will show you how to retrieve a list of events using Postman. 

      Now, let’s dive into this subject a little deeper. 

      If this is the first time you make a call in the Postman, you must generate API credentials from the Shopify admin. 

      Step 1: Generate API credentials from Shopify Admin

      Follow the process of How to build a custom app for Shopify in 2022? To know how to access Shopify API. 


        • After creating an app, remember the Admin API access token and the API key to send requests in the Postman. 

        Shopify Connector and Profile arrow Lavu
        Shopify Lavu Integration
        Shopify Connector and Profile arrow Upserve
        Shopify Upserve Integration
        Shopify Connector and Profile arrow NCR
        Shopify Ncr Integration

        Step 2: Retrieve a list of events using Postman

        Now, we will retrieve a list of events using Postman with Shopify API. 


            • Log in to your Postman and create a new workspace

            • Create a new GET with this URL:



              1. {API_key} – The API key that you generated.

              1. {admin_API_access_token} – The admin API access token that you generated.

              1. {shop} – The name of your development store.

              1. {api-version} – The supported API version that you want to use.

              1. {resource} – A resource endpoint from the REST Admin API.

            Or you can copy this example, remember to change {resource} to {events}:

            https://ed86d512a2c95387ffa25f67074a222b:[email protected]/admin/api/2022-01/events.json


                • Paste the URL above.

              retrieve a list of events

              Then click Send


              The API will return all events in your Shopify. 

                  "events": [
                          "id": 35983479242815,
                          "subject_id": 49072865343,
                          "created_at": "2019-11-10T00:07:38+09:00",
                          "subject_type": "Blog",
                          "verb": "create",
                          "arguments": [
                          "body": null,
                          "message": "Blog was created: <a href=\"\">News</a>.",
                          "author": "Shopify",
                          "description": "Blog was created: News.",
                          "path": "/admin/pages"
                          "id": 35983479767103,
                          "subject_id": 154864615487,
                          "created_at": "2019-11-10T00:07:40+09:00",
                          "subject_type": "Collection",
                          "verb": "create",
                          "arguments": [
                              "Home page"
                          "body": null,
                          "message": "Collection was created: <a href=\"\">Home page</a>.",
                          "author": "Shopify",
                          "description": "Collection was created: Home page.",
                          "path": "/admin/collections/154864615487"
                          "id": 35983510077503,
                          "subject_id": 154864615487,
                          "created_at": "2019-11-10T00:09:24+09:00",
                          "subject_type": "Collection",
                          "verb": "published",
                          "arguments": [
                              "Home page"
                          "body": null,
                          "message": "Collection was published on Online Store: <a href=\"\">Home page</a>.",
                          "author": "Shopify",
                          "description": "Collection was published on Online Store: Home page.",
                          "path": "/admin/collections/154864615487"
                          "id": 35984440721471,
                          "subject_id": 4356022435903,
                          "created_at": "2019-11-10T01:01:44+09:00",
                          "subject_type": "Product",
                          "verb": "create",
                          "arguments": [
                              "Acer Laptop Computer",
                          "body": null,
                          "message": "Team Beehexa created a new product: <a href=\"\">Acer Laptop Computer 2019</a>.",
                          "author": "Team Beehexa",
                          "description": "Team Beehexa created a new product: Acer Laptop Computer 2019.",
                          "path": "/admin/products/4356022435903"
                          "id": 35984441573439,
                          "subject_id": 4356022435903,
                          "created_at": "2019-11-10T01:01:47+09:00",
                          "subject_type": "Product",
                          "verb": "published",
                          "arguments": [
                              "Acer Laptop Computer",
                          "body": null,
                          "message": "Team Beehexa published a product on Online Store: <a href=\"\">Acer Laptop Computer 2019</a>.",
                          "author": "Team Beehexa",
                          "description": "Team Beehexa published a product on Online Store: Acer Laptop Computer 2019.",
                          "path": "/admin/products/4356022435903"
                          "id": 35984501932095,
                          "subject_id": 4356025385023,
                          "created_at": "2019-11-10T01:05:22+09:00",
                          "subject_type": "Product",
                          "verb": "create",
                          "arguments": [
                              "Lego 500 piece set",

              response_retrieve a list of events

              The above are all steps to retrieve a list of events using Postman with Shopify API. If you have any questions, let us know in the comment below or refer to our Shopify API documentation.

              These steps will be shown visually in the video below.

              Shopify API – How to retrieve a list of events using Postman

              Hopefully, you can do it!